Genghis Con 2025 Recap

Genghis Con 2025 Recap
Ethan Mills
Ethan Mills

Our first convention of the year is done and it was a BLAST! Genghis Con was really special and one we look forward to again next year. I wanted to talk about some of the highlights and how things went for us!

Your Favorite Roasts

Conventions are always such a fun experience and it is interesting seeing what people prefer in every city we go to. For Instance, when we were in Phoenix last year for Phoenix Fan Fusion, Necromancer sold out almost entirely in our first day! This weekend, the favorite roast from con-goers was Rogue, accounting for an impressive 25% of all the coffee we sold! Behind it was Barbarian coming in at 22% and Paladin at 20%. We also brought with us a new tumbler that people LOVED and so you can expect that on the site soon, as well as some really snazzy coffee mug dice towers that we should have in stock also!

So Many Board Games!

Board games are the king of events like this and there were so many awesome ones being played. The game library alone had over 1200 games for people to check out and play for free, which was impressive! We ended up grabbing a copy of Eschaton from Archon Games which is a dark fantasy game that is quickly becoming a new favorite. We also got through an EPIC game of Slay The Spire which, if you can find a copy somewhere, is super worth the pick up. Another game on MY list that I saw people playing is Mothership which is a horror space game where you try to, and the key here is try, survive the most inhospitable environment in the universe. Gaming cons like this are so so so much fun and if you have never been to one, I highly recommend it.

Some Amazing Vendors We Befriended

One of my favorite things about every con we go to is meeting so many amazing vendors from all over the world. I don't want this post to be TOO long but I definitely wanted to point out a few awesome people that we met!

Wyvern Warfare is a really high end woodworking company that specializes in handmade gaming accessories. We actually met them at Board Game Geek Con down in Texas, and it was so cool to see them again. They have some of the most gorgeous dice trays I have ever seen and are absolutely worth checking out!

Wooded Meadows Gaming is another company that creates incredible handmade gaming accessories, include the absolute coolest candles I have ever seen! These candles are TTRPG themed and are incredible creative, such as "Greater Restoration" including wax hands inside the candle that hold the flame. Super cool stuff.

13th Moon Games is the creator of Coven & Crucible, a game of modern witchcraft and magic. This new TTRPG system really impressed us with a super interesting take on roleplaying games and their really cool 2d12 system. Coven & Crucible is really interesting and is both easy to understand and offers some cool mechanics that we haven't seen before.

An Unforgettable Weekend

We definitely want to thank EVERYONE who made this convention so great. From the incredible staff (shoutout to you Donny for helping us with load in and set up!), to all of you attendees who came and hung out with us! We look forward to making this convention a mainstay for us and will absolutely be back next year! 

Our next convention is Token Con in Oklahoma. See you there!

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